After saying there wouldn"t exactly be a "Bad Blood" response track on her album, Katy Perry released a duet with Nicki Minaj that seems a bit like a "Bad Blood" response track. Both women take aim at their rivals in the lyrics—for Minaj, it"s Remy Ma; for Perry, it seems khổng lồ be Taylor Swift.

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Neither woman directly names who she"s talking about, but the lyrics make it pretty clear themselves (Perry"s are only a tiny bit more veiled than Minaj"s). Read them here, via Genius, with Perry"s likely Taylor Swift references explained:

Refrain: Fatboy Slim

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Back when the Perry-Swift feud was just beginning, Perry infamously tweeted out "Watch out for a sheep in Regina George"s clothing", which fans interpreted lớn be about Swift.

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It was posted a day after Swift"s Rolling Stone profile came out, where Swift talked about a frenemy widely speculated khổng lồ be Perry: "For years, I was never sure if we were friends or not," Swift said. "She would come up to me at awards shows & say something và walk away, and I would think, "Are we friends, or did she just give me the harshest insult of my life?" she did something so horrible. I was like, "Oh, we"re just straight-up enemies." & it wasn"t even about a guy! It had to bởi vì with business...She basically tried khổng lồ sabotage an entire arena tour. She tried khổng lồ hire a bunch of people out from under me. & I"m surprisingly nonconfrontational—you would not believe how much I hate conflict. So now I have to lớn avoid her. It"s awkward, & I don"t lượt thích it."

Don"t you come for me

No, not today

Entertainment Weekly asked Perry whether there would be a "Bad Blood" response track on her new album two weeks ago. She said there was nothing directly about anyone, but then added this response:

One thing to note is: You can"t mistake kindness for weakness and don"t come for me. Anyone. Anyone. Anyone. Anyone. Và that"s not to any one person and don"t quote me that it is, because it"s not. It"s not about that. Honestly, when women come together and they decide to lớn unite, this world is going lớn be a better place. Period kết thúc of story. But, let me say this: Everything has a reaction or a consequence so don"t forget about that, okay, honey. We got to keep it real, honey. This record is not about anyone else! This record is about me being seen & heard so that I can see & hear everyone else! It"s not even about me! It"s about everything that I see out there that I digest. I think there"s a healing in it for me & vulnerability. If people want lớn connect and be healed and feel vulnerable and feel empowered and strong, God bless & here it is.

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Perry posted these two tweets after it:

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intention is everything