Actress Yoon Eun Hye shared whether the reason why she does not guest on 'Running Man' is because of singer Kim Jong-kook. On September 7, Yoon Eun Hye appeared on entertainer Kang Ho-dong's NAVER NOW show 'Just Come on It' (literal title). 
During the show, Kang Ho-dong raised questions about her guesting on all television shows except for 'Running Man'. Kang Ho-dong playfully asked, "Is it because one of the things that you love the most in the world is 'KJK'?" Upon hearing this, Yoon Eun Hye burst into laughter and said, "No, it's not that. I think it's more fun when they're talking about me without me actually being there. 'Running Man' production team has never asked me to lớn feature in the show." Kang Ho-dong jokingly responded, "Oh, in that case, maybe Jae Seok is simply using you on the show." 
Yoon Eun Hye said, "He must be.", making Kang Ho-dong panic and go, "No, no. It's not lượt thích that, Jae Seok. That's not how we think." Despite Kang Ho Dong trying lớn put back the broken pieces from his joke together, Yoon Eun Hye continued lớn complain about Yu Jae Seok using her on 'Running Man'. Yoon Eun Hye stated, "No, I think you're right though. Jae Seok used me on 'Running Man' lượt thích all the time, but he pretended lượt thích nothing happened on 'Hangout with Yoo' when I was with him." She playfully continued, "As I listened khổng lồ your words, Ho-dong, I realized that Jae Seok really used me." Kang Ho-dong sweated & said while looking at the camera, "Jae Seok, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

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That's not what I truly meant!" 
About 17 years ago, Yoon Eun Hye và Kim Jong-kook made many SBS' television show 'X-Man' viewers' hearts beat fast with their on-air romance. It is still much talked-about until this day; Yu Jae Seok especially mentions their past romance a lot on 'Running Man' as if the romance was real and they are still together. (Credit= NAVER NOW, 'sbs_runningman_sbs' Instagram) (SBS Star) 

K-Pop fans from the early 2000s until now have debated whether or not Yoon Eun HyeKim Jong Kook ever dated. The two celebs have been intertwined ever since their popular love line on the variety show, X-Man.

Yoon Eun Hye (left) & Kim Jong Kook (middle) | X-Man/SBS